Gill 500-Year Forest

Sunshine 500-Year Forest

The 365-acre Gill 500-Year Forest, with approximately 2.5 miles of frontage on the Meherrin River and several tributary streams and ponds, lies in Brunswick and Mecklenburg counties on the North Carolina border of South Side Virginia. Owner Charles Gill reports seeing eagles and ospreys feeding.

A Virginia Scenic River, the Meherrin is among the last remaining examples of a high-quality, relatively unaltered Piedmont-Fall Zone aquatic system with remarkably healthy and abundant populations of native warm-water fish and mussel species. Indeed, the Atlantic Pigtoe Mussel (Fusconaia masoni), which is a federal species of concern and a Virginia state-threatened species, is known to inhabit the river near this location.

Designated a Virginia Treasure, the property is visible from the Meherrin River and from both Dixie Bridge Road (State Route 621) and Interstate 85, offering its scenic views to the public.

Gill Forest Gallery

500-Year Forest Foundation

PO Box 1272
Charlottesville, VA 22902
