Anna Hess, Field Biologist, has completed her field work and provided two reports: Inventory of the Brooks-Kenny Tract and Plant Community Analysis of the Brooks-Kenny Tract. This work establishes important forest baseline data. We can now trace the health of the forest, monitor plants with special attention to the six rare species, and provide knowledge to manage the forest appropriately.

Three main forest community types make up the Brooks-Kenny tract: Community I is a relatively young Yellow Buckeye-Yellow Poplar-White Basswood forest found in the northwestern part of the property and in old tree fall gaps. Community II is a Sugar Maple-White Basswood-Yellow Buckeye forest which was found in the northern and central portions of the 500-Year Forest Foundation tract. Community III is a Chesnut Oak-Sugar Maple-Northern Red Oak forest found on the crest of the Clinch Mountain and on its descending ridges.