A preliminary study in May of 2004 by David Richert of Virginia’s Natural Heritage Program identified the upper reaches of the property as a good candidate for a 500-Year Forest. The Clinch Mountain Preserve ranges from about 2100’ to 2800’ above sea level. Thirty acres of primarily northern red and chestnut oak ranging from 100 to 250 years old exist along the top of the mountain.

Below this is a younger forest ranging from 30 to 90 years including northern red, white, and chestnut oak, mockernut and shagbark hickory, yellow poplar, buckeye, beech, sugar and red maple, black cherry, white ash, and American basswood. The understory is lush with shrub and herbaceous species such as rhododendron, ferns, wild yams, wild ginger, bellwort, toothwort, spring beauties, Dutchmen’s breeches, fairy bells, and angelica.